Mountain Weekend | Roots Music from New England

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44° Newsletter

We’ve got a lot of good stuff going on, and we would love to make sure you know what’s what. Here’s how you can keep in touch.

We’ve got ourselves a brand-new newsletter, called 44°. We’ll update you just-often-enough with all kinds of news and information—new shows, new songs, practice studio videos and outtakes, and much more.

More than just a show reminder, 44° is a way for our friends, family, and fans to really stay up to date with what we’re up to and what’s next.

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Our new Single, Song for Mary is available now on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, and so forth. The song was recorded with three others (44°, Middle Child, and Olivia), all of which will be available over the course of the coming months.

About Mountain Weekend

Mountain Weekend writes and performs music that is borne out of the collective experience of five lives in New England. Formed originally by Mike McKenna, Mike Enos, and David Brown, their mission, from the beginning, has been to write music that reflects truth, beauty, and the realities of daily life in suburbia. A majority of the debut album, Autumn, was written by the founding trio and stems from reflecting on life experience, hope, loss, and accepting and embracing one’s lot in life. Scott Bradley and David O’Neil joined the trio before the collection of songs for Autumn were recorded. The lineup, now complete, brings energy and passion to every live act, working tirelessly to strike a balance between the deep personal importance of the songs and the joy of performing.

Photos this page: Melissa Foley.